Beautiful People Beautiful Rituals Beautiful Things

“a story telling art form” Love the Story, Self Expression through … dance

I love dance … and I have dabbled in learning some styles but somewhat intimidated to join the lessons for classical Indian dance because it is so … challenging.

So, I went to observe a classical dance class and was blown away by the practice session I witnessed. The students are so beautiful and dedicated – all I have for them is, respect and admiration for they were so …graceful.  I was also humbled in realizing the steps to be mastered let alone the arms/hands movements.

No, Classical Style is NOT Bollywood.  To dispel the misunderstanding I share this video I found online as I was searching to find some explanation on the different kinds of classical dance – there are 8 classical schools of dance in India.

Dance – Martial Arts – Yoga

all … persistence in practice … repeated over and over to reach the better version of self in each repetition.

Love them all:)



Yoga is the Journey of the Self

Through the Self

To the Self


The Bhagavad Gita

Beautiful Rituals

Welcoming Autumn Equinox after the Meteor Shower

I missed the meteor shower on the 21st, how about you?

What else have you missed or feel missed out on as we arrive onto our mats and settle with our seats and minds.  Once we arrive, acknowledge any other negativity or cup-half-empty mindset and instead shift the groove of patterned and fixed or rigid thinking and rather reclaim the abundance and blessings in your life – reciting – that chant – all is well and it is what it is.  Then let go a heave of a deep and yet effortless sigh, lightening any burdens on your shoulders.  Ushering in a new season this Monday where there is that time a clock strikes at which Days and Night are in perfect balance: September 23rd at 03:50:)

As we move into Autumn where hours of darkness will slowly outnumber hours of daylight.  The shadows of the night will grow as daytime shorter. What does that mean for us?

Did you know that (yogis believe) when the lightness of the day and the darkness of the night are equalized and balanced, a special passage or a “window” opens up.  That is is considered to be the ideal time for deep meditation to invite intuition and clarity … Your Truth.

That window is the access point to our Pineal Gland, what the yogis refer to as the “10th gate – the gateway to heightened consciousness.  This special 10th gate or an energy portal is usually closed; however through ancient yogic teachings, the life-force in the body can spiral up from the base chakra to the crown, awakening our whole body at which point, the 10th gate that was sealed will open.  Upon the unveiling the shrouded window to let the light and air in, in deep state, we know the reality of our truth.

When the Pineal Gland is accessed through deep meditation, after an invigorating breath-focus practice, something clicks within our body-mind-spirit connection.  Through the body/breath vinyasa, we activate our intuitive power and usher in our highest version of Self who is fully engaged in the dance and flow of this beautiful Universe, knowing Truth to be My Essence, My Identity.  Plugged into the Source of that wisdom, power of intuition blossoms and light fills our spirit in the times of darkness.  Where shadows lurks, all the more we need that light to … enliven us.  Thus, we welcome Autumn Equinox with the practice that most nourishes us during this particularly Yin season of the year … to tone down the Yang activities along with shortening days to maintain that energy level to access the passage into our higher Self.  The Self that is all knowing … Truth; Wisdom that resides within us.