
It’s actually a workout for the photographer…

Dog chases the waves 🌊

A girl with camera chases the the dog … it’s no haiku


Re-certified in CPR & AED

Turns out the trainer was the same First Responder from my last training. A little bit more grey hair but the eyes which have seen the deadliest and tragic were as pure and bright as ever. How does he keep that cool? What a beautiful soul. While I hope to never need to administer any First Aid, I feel empowered (& a little scared – to be truthful). Imagine adrenaline to kick in when and if I am ever tested. Praying that day would never come. Stay well everyone- Self-care !

Beautiful Places

To the Beach

Breathe in …

Breathe out …

Waves crashing in onto the high tide beach – the surf is glistening with lights reflecting pops of bubbles …

Waves receding back to the endless ocean leaving the vast open beach