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Krishna Das tells his Maharaji Christ Story

in google search.  It’s the story he told last night as that story never changes and carries such a beautiful message.

Beautiful People Beautiful Places Beautiful Rituals

Powerful vibrations of human voice … intermittent stillness … silence


Love is what we are; we don’t get it from somebody; we can’t give it to anybody; we can’t fall in or fall out of it.  Love is our true Being. – Krishna Das


Beautiful People Beautiful Places

What stuck last night …

“If we know anything about a path at all, it’s only because of the Great ones that have gone before us.  Out of their love and kindness, they have left some footprints for us to follow.  So, in the same way that they wish for us, we wish that all beings everywhere, including ourselves, be safe, be happy, have good health, and enough to eat.  And may we all live at ease of heart with whatever comes to us in life.”

– Krishna Das

It’s Tao, the way – it’s the path. We each find that path, that one:)