Healthy Living

Tensor Fascia Latae & IT band tightness

(turning into anatomy geek …)

SO … athletes often experience soreness or tightness in these regions… I suggest some nice woolen balls found at TJ’s to try Yoga Tuneup as shown by Jill Miller in her videos (found on utube) using these therapeutic balls; except woolen balls from TJ’s  (used as dryer balls to pick up lint off your clothes apparently) makes for perfect therapeutic balls – at less than half the cost.  It’s better than tennis balls or any other so-called “massage” balls out there – as it’s wool and soft and a little bigger which suits us just fine with folded blankets under the head:)   Better than foam rollers for more that trigger point acupressure  … way better than karate chops, really, as the sensation is steady.  These are temporary fixes, but routine therapeutic yoga for the long term addresses overall flexibility for better self-maintenance.  Normally I don’t suffer from pulled muscle, muscle inflammation or tear (because I do them right !) BUT last week inadvertently had 5 yoga classes to teach in 2 day period – out of the norm due to subbing 2 classes – which brought about this out of the norm pain in my _ _ _ _ … Lesson learned ?  Never demo without a warm-up:)

Besides Tiger Balm, China Gel … there’s bath salts – questions arises when to ice; when to heat – common question.  Ice when it’s fresh and new, acute inflamed hot injury which mine isn’t – for chronic aches or aches that’s past a day – a dull pulled muscle kind of pain or tightening or stiffness – heat.  In Japan, there would be nightly ritual of ofuro – or mineral rich onsen for the lucky ones.

Soak after a pretty rigorous yoga session is lovely …  to melt away any residual tightness or soreness … it’s all about self-care.  The sessions have allowed me to discover the need to balance the flexibility with strength in my own training.

Having been hyper-mobile, one needs to exercise care in modulating the movements and expanding the range of motion.  One breath at a time … listening to one’s body.

Beautiful Places

Fall foliage

The first two photos on the same block as the last photo capturing a front yard – again on the same street.  Same day, same time.  What am I trying to convey?

One yard reflects the fall season …the sounds of leaves rustling, the smell of Autumn is in the air  –  the other yard, just 2 houses down, seems totally different  – all green, lush with dahlias and exotic flowers still blooming – there are no fallen leaves. If you didn’t know that it’s October, it could be summer still ?

So what?

Just mull it over …

Healthy Activities Healthy Food Healthy Living

It’s a choice

This is a lovely site – and perhaps funny to mention right after Oktoberfest?  But it’s Monday:  I have always been more of John Lennon fan but – sadly, while his music still loves on, lives on, in this physical sphere of existence, he’s dead … whereas this Beatle of Beatles is alive and well in this physical world for knowing how to take care of himself.  In spite of the excesses in the past, Paul has outlived few wives and stands here among us today … so I imagine, Paul knows a thing or two about living a long and healthy life due in part by the lifestyle choices he’s made  – Here.  

It’s also to realize how privileged we are to even have this CHOICE as many people in the world do not even know when the next meal is coming from and meat is not an option to include or exclude – we are talking about poverty and food shortage where if one can get one’s hands on any protein – rice & beans – it’s a good day.  So to even have this choice is a blessing and to give up some meat or all – comes with sense of gratitude for being able to do so.  For the privileged seems like not much of a sacrifice – so all the more, why not try.

Happy Monday !

PS  Paul has also revealed that his secret to his health – now in his 70’s – has been his yoga practice.  No surprise to this yogini – He admits he practices everyday to keep fit:) where he notes flexibility is as important as strength.