Healthy Living

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee

was the first Asian-American mayor and a son of an immigrant who grew up in public housing in his childhood, graduating from UC Berkeley law school to pursue public service. He died of a heart attack this morning. I did not know him personally and whatever one’s political persuasion that is so divided today, I honor and respect his work in social justice balanced with economic growth. Whatever the criticisms, who would take up that job unless he wanted to make improvements – he cared. In this day and age, just having someone who is earnest and caring with well intention, be at our political helm…not someone who is crude and corrupt – his integrity in leadership was really enough – it was a blessing. He obviously had a lot of STRESS, and we all have a lot of stress if we are to live a meaningful life. Sometimes, we live so much in our head, just in our brains … yes, that is a command center but there is more … to our body, mind and spirit connection. Yoga invites you to discover those connections and then …gives us the technique to integrate, then balance out our nervous system and energies for overall health, including better cardiovascular health. Heart attack is … a breakdown of your heart function. What causes it?

I know this blog is about YOGA but it’s also about one person’s humble take on, just … LIFE and how to live more joyfully, fully in this given time, this lifetime. Also as a Yoga Therapist trainee, student, it is noted in my mind that had he practiced yoga – the right kind of yoga for his stage of life – regularly, he would have extended his life well over 65. I do really believe this.

Here’s a nice article from Harvard Medical that validates our practice. And as with any practice, we have to stick with it – do it regularly, repeatedly to really embody the intent and be in our body.

RIP Ed Lee …

Here’s another very good program to check into for your heart health. Dr. Dean Ornish’s kind of yoga you find in softer side of yoga. There’s no need to go extreme or intense – save that for your passions in life – exercise to pump up and increase the heart rate within the range deemed safe by your doctor and then … lower your heart rate and blood pressure for super detoxifying breathwork called PRANAYAMA. We all associate yoga with the physical Asana/poses – that’s the popular image. But Yoga is 8-fold, called 8 limbs of yoga – let’s practice all 8 to explore the possibilities for better health – It’s such a rich practice, it would be a shame to just stop at “asana” (physical poses) level when we can go beyond the physical: To go over …



Biodegradable Mat

Been using this mat for home practice. It has this texture that feels like grass and sand under your feet. It’s 100% biodegradable! Feels good on your body and on your conscience:)

Beautiful Rituals Beautiful Things Yoga

Super Moon Sunday Evening

Super FULL Moon hang so big, so ripe ! So close, you can reach and touch it – the soft glow, hanging low brushing the horizon this evening …It was simply… BEAUTIFUL. Full Moon night class – if only they knew what they are missing … Loved having few mommies practicing for two (?) so analogous to tonight’s cosmic power – modified to shift it more pre-natal and therapeutic but the essence of my intention was there: To detox, so to purify and to reclaim the beginner’s mind that are full of possibilities.

Super Full Moon ritual starts from ME:) Activating my intentions as the super moon slowly rises higher up on the night sky seen through the trees. A mom-to-be with a ripened belly said – I want to be more powerful … That wish is granted – this is THE practice if you stick with it, that empowers you. More power comes not just from whipping yourself into shape, but knowing ways to quiet the agitation, balance the nervous system and enjoy the baby like quality sleep that allows you enjoy a wakeful conscious wholeness. When we are fully present, we find bliss –
in spite of the struggles, there’s emotional balance and the ease and bounce you have in your steps. Then … your body will thank you and decide there’s no longer any need to stock up on excess fat. We will slim down to a level that’s just … right. Left unhampered but supported, our body has an intelligence to know what it needs; what it doesn’t. It’s a full circle. Don’t worry so much.

Looking up at the sky, the full moon, as I feel the anticipation of soon graduating with my Yoga Therapist certification after 800 hrs. of training (unbelievable to me as well), I am feeling the ripened sense of accomplishment mixed with the sense of remembrance of what it means to be a beginner that I wish to be each day:

“If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything, it is open to everything. In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities,
but in the expert’s mind there are few. ”
― Shunryu Suzuki