

The teacher must not teach with any ulterior selfish motive, for money, name or fame: his work must be simply out of love, out of pure love for mankind at large. The only medium through which spiritual force can be transmitted is love. Any selfish motive such as the desire for gain or for name, will immediately destroy this conveying medium.
… When you see that in your teacher these conditions are all fulfilled, you are safe; if they are not, it is unsafe to allow yourself to be taught by him, for there is the great danger that, if he cannot convey goodness to your heart, he may convey wickedness. This danger must by all means be guarded against.

– Bhakti Yoga by Swami Vivekananda


Healthy Food


Gratitude to abundance all around – all vegetarian Sunday afternoon. Too busy eating and getting in line … to take photos but feast to the eyes and pallet. Rainbow of colors on your plate for health:)

Beautiful People Beautiful Places Beautiful Rituals Beautiful Things

Coming of Age Ceremony

24 boys and girls gathered in Zendo.  Perhaps about 150 gathered for the dharma talk. 

Gratitude for this day and every day … the running theme to hear the inner voice, to trust and to not fear setbacks. May we each find our dharma and live an authentic life aligned with what resonates most.

LOVE this place. Beautiful.